Press Release

‘I Pledge’ social media campaign kicked off under Save Your Food

22 October 2020

  • FAO and the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry of Turkey launched a new social media movement called “I Pledge”.

Ankara - Under the joint SAVE YOUR FOOD campaign, FAO and the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry of Turkey launched a new social media movement called “I Pledge” with a press conference at Çırağan Kempinski Palace yesterday

This new social media movement aims to trigger behavioural change around food by prompting discussion on ways to prevent and reduce food waste both in Turkey and worldwide.

We see our collaboration with FAO as an opportunity

The press conference was opened by well-known nutritionist and FAO supporter, Dilara Koçak, whose remarks were followed by a speech by the Minister of Agriculture and Forestry, Bekir Pakdemirli, who recounted the progress made by the Save Your Food campaign since its launch in May 2020. Pakdemirli underlined the efforts made to present the public with up-to-date information and good practices, and to organize live chats with experts on planned shopping and conscious consumption – all accessible through the campaign’s website and social media platforms. He explained further:

“We developed video animations and educational materials for kids in collaboration with FAO. Soon our campaign mascot CANO will meet kids through EBA TV and give tips to prevent and reduce food waste. In July, we organized a special session with the Union of Municipalities of Turkey. The support of the municipalities is essential for us to succeed. And we see our collaboration with FAO as an opportunity, for I believe with this collaboration, our campaign will evolve into an international movement.”

Initiated by Minister Pakdemirli, the “I Pledge” social media campaign also received extensive support from numerous public figures, notably well-known nutritionist and FAO Supporter Dilara Koçak as well as singer Gülben Ergen, actress and singer Şevval Sam, TV Presenter and author Özge Uzun and former football player Tanju Çolak.

To join the campaign, go to and make your pledge.





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