Look at both ‘full and empty parts’ of global glass, Turkey urges Member States

“The pandemic caught the world at a time when it was having difficulties in coping with various challenges” said President Tayyip Erdoğan.
Speaking on the first day of the UN High-level General Debate, the President of Turkey stressed the need to “accurately and sincerely evaluate” what is happening in the world today.
“The pandemic caught the world at a time when it was having difficulties in coping with various challenges” in globalization, rules-based international system and multilateralism, Recep Tayyip Erdoğan said, encouraging the delegates to look at both “the full and empty parts of the glass”.
Half empty glass
The Turkish President underscored the need to reform multilateral organizations, particularly the UN.
Drawing attention to how “ineffective the existing global mechanisms have been” during the pandemic, he pointed out that “it took weeks, even months for the Security Council…to include the pandemic on its agenda”.
“Effective multilateralism requires effective multilateral institutions”, stressed Mr. Erdoğan.
“The fate of humanity cannot be left at the mercy of a limited number of countries”, he continued advocating for “comprehensive and meaningful reforms, starting with the restructuring of the Security Council”.
The upside
Looking at the glass as half-full, the Head of State maintained that the UN can be “the turning point in humanity’s quest for peace, justice and prosperity”.
And against the backdrop of the coronavirus, advised using multilateral institutions and mechanisms to cooperate “in the most effective way”.
“International solidarity is essential for long-term solutions”, Mr. Erdoğan upheld.
Global pandemic
The President maintained Turkey’s support in fighting the virus, citing the early days of the outbreak, when his country called for “cooperation in all international platforms” and was at the forefront of efforts in the G-20 richest States, Turkic Council, the Organization of Islamic Cooperation and others.
Moreover, Turkey reached out to 146 countries and seven international organizations that requested medical equipment assistance; repatriated a hundred thousand Turkish citizens from 141 countries; and carried more than 5,500 foreigners from 47 countries to their homes.
Mr. Erdoğan echoed his call that the supply of medical equipment, drugs and vaccine development efforts “not to be made an issue of competition”.
No matter which country they are produced in, vaccines should be offered to the “common benefit of humanity”.
Full statement available here.