UN Women marks 16 Days of Activism with #NoExcuse for violence against women campaign
24 November 2023

Violence against women and girls remains one of the most prevalent and pervasive human rights violations in the world. Despite many countries passing laws to combat violence against women, weak enforcement and discriminatory social norms remain significant problems. Globally, an estimated 736 million women — almost one in three — have been subjected to physical and/or sexual intimate partner violence, non-partner sexual violence, or both, at least once in their life.
The 16 Days of Activism against Gender-Based Violence Campaign, which kicks off on 25 November, the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women, and runs until 10 December, Human Rights Day, calls for the prevention and elimination of violence against women and girls.
This year, the United Nations marks 16 Days under the theme UNiTE! Invest To Prevent Violence against Women & Girls. By using #NoExcuse as a slogan and hashtag, the campaign calls for financing different prevention strategies and transforming social norms to end violence against women and girls.
UN Women Türkiye’s #NoExcuse campaign underlines the importance of legal frameworks
Aligned with the global campaign, UN Women Türkiye launches #NoExcuse campaign to emphasize that violence against women cannot be tolerated under any circumstances, anywhere, and any time.
Throughout the 16 Days of Activism and beyond, #NoExcuse campaign underlines the importance of protective legal frameworks and calls for the effective implementation of laws to prevent violence against women. The campaign declares #NoExcuse for any forms of violence and violence against women is a human rights violation.
“As we launch the #NoExcuse campaign, we affirm our commitment to build a world where there is no violence against women and girls. The campaign this year aims to raise public awareness about the current legislation in Turkiye, to call for its effective implementation and for its further strengthening, on the basis of the international standards and recommendations. Throughout the 16 Days of Activism and beyond, together with our partners from civil society and public institutions, we will show that when implemented well, laws can protect and transform lives. We will emphasize the importance of knowledge among women and society as a whole on how they can exercise their rights, and the need for a multi-stakeholder approach to effective implementation of policies and laws, in which public institutions and women’s civil society organizations work in close collaboration,” says Asya Varbanova, UN Women Türkiye Country Director.

The Head of the EU Delegation to Türkiye, Ambassador Nikolaus Meyer-Landrut, welcomed the launch of 16 Days of Activism against Gender-Based Violence: “Eliminating violence against women and advancing women’s rights and gender equality is at the top of European Union’s agenda, both internally and in our partner countries.”
UN Women Türkiye Launches #NoExcuse Campaign with an event in Ankara
The #NoExcuse campaign will be launched with an event in partnership with the Delegation of the European Union to Türkiye on 24 November 2023 in Ankara. The event will bring together civil society organizations, government officials, diplomatic representatives, and the media to express solidarity and commitment to end all forms of violence against women and girls.
At the event representatives from civil society organizations and youth will take the stage to say “No Excuse” to any forms of violence. Women-led civil society organizations will not only express their manifests and commitment to ending violence against women but also share how they have played a pivotal role in transforming the lives of women survivors.
As part of the launch event, an art performance will be showcased in collaboration with the artist and lawyer Kutlay Evrensel (@kutlayus). The artwork, curated in real-time, aims to highlight the importance of legal frameworks using key terminology.
Key facts from the world
- Globally, an estimated 736 million women have been subjected to physical and/or sexual intimate partner violence, non-partner sexual violence, or both, at least once in their life.
- 1 in 3 women experience physical or sexual violence in their lifetime.
- In 2021, around 45,000 women and girls worldwide were killed by their intimate partners or other family members. This means that, on average, more than five women or girls are killed every hour by someone in their own family.
- Intimate partner violence is the most common form of violence against women, affecting women across diverse backgrounds and cultures.
- Less than 40 per cent of women who experience violence seek help of any sort.
- Violence against women not only causes immense physical harm but also leads to severe psychological and emotional trauma.
- A global study by the Economist Intelligence Unit found that 38 per cent of women have had personal experiences of online violence, and 85 per cent of women who spend time online have witnessed digital violence against other women.
- According to the Rapid Gender Assessment surveys (RGAs) on the socioeconomic impacts of COVID-19 conducted by UN Women in 58 countries, 45 per cent of women reported that they or a woman they know has experienced a form of VAW since COVID-19
Key facts from Türkiye: (2014 Research on Domestic Violence against Women in Turkey)
- 4 of 10 women are exposed to intimate partner physical or sexual violence
- Only 1 of 10 women exposed to violence apply to an institution for help;
- 3 of 10 women are married before they turn 18;
- 48 per cent of girls married by age 18 are exposed to physical violence;
- 11 per cent of women are prevented from working by their families;
- 90 per cent of human trafficking victims in Türkiye are women.
For media inquiries and further information, please contact:
Ebru Demirel, ebru.demirel@unwomen.org