UNCT joined forces with the Ministry of Labour and Social Security on the earthquake recovery
06 July 2023
Caption: From left to right: ILO Office for Türkiye Officer in Charge Giovanni di Cola, UN Resident Coordinator Alvaro Rodriguez, Mr. Oğuz Tuncay, Director General for Foreign Relations, Ministry of Labor and Social Security
UN Country Team (UNCT) welcomed the Ministry of Labour and Social Security representatives to discuss the earthquake recovery developments at the UNCT meeting
UN Country Team (UNCT) welcomed the Ministry of Labour and Social Security representatives to discuss the earthquake recovery developments at the UNCT meeting held in the International Labour Organization (ILO) premises in Ankara on 6 July 2023.
Five months on from the two catastrophic earthquakes that struck southern Türkiye and Syria, UNCT Team and the Ministry of Labour and Social Security (MoLSS) discussed how to ensure building back stronger in the affected provinces and further.
The meeting was attended by heads and/or representatives of UN agencies and directorates of the Ministry as well as Social Security Institution (SSI) and Turkish Employment Agency (ISKUR).
UN Resident Coordinator Alvaro Rodriguez reiterated the commitment and technical support of the UN agencies to recovery efforts to address short and long term needs and challenges arising from the earthquakes. “We build our recovery framework around four pillars,” said Rodriguez, “These are continuing humanitarian needs, economic recovery, social services and social development and resilience and sustainability, in all of which we believe our close partnership will help to move forward stronger. We know that Sustainable Development Goals will be harder to meet but we believe the strength of our partnership and commitment”.
Oğuz Tuncay, Director General for Foreign Relations in MoLSS, reminded that the Ministry address a several number of issues not only on the world of work but on all issues where UN agencies have mandates. “The Ministry and the UN work hand in hand to collaborate further on not only earthquake response but also all areas including children, migrants, women and persons with disabilities”.
Caption: UN Türkiye and Ministry of Labour ant Social Security representatives met at the ILO Türkiye Office in Ankara.
ILO Office for Türkiye Officer in Charge Giovanni di Cola said the ILO, on the recovery period in collaboration with the UN, national and local authorities focus on ensuring decent and sustainable jobs, labour-based programmes maintaining business continuity and supporting social partners as key actors of social dialogue. “We can shape a better future building skills and capacities with a holistic approach and strengthen the position of Türkiye at the international arena, in particular and among others the Alliance 8.7 to eradicate forced labour, modern slavery, human trafficking and child labour, the Global Compact on Refugees and the Global Social Justice Alliance” he said.
The participants concluded the meeting emphasizing the need to galvanize the efforts to strengthen the collaboration to quicken progress towards achieving sustainable development goals.