UN Women and the Ministry of Interior of Türkiye join forces to combat violence against women and girls
21 September 2022
Ankara (18.08.2022) - UN Women and the Ministry of Interior of Türkiye will cooperate to end violence against women and girls within the framework of the country’s 4th National Action Plan on Combatting Violence Against Women (2021-2025) and the 2022 Activity Plan on Combatting Violence Against Women.

The collaboration will support a series of activities planned to be carried out at the local level by a committee consisting of experts from the Ministries of Family and Social Services, Justice, National Education and Health, and the Directorate of Religious Affairs.
The activities will include committee meetings, consultation with stakeholders, field visits, as well as monitoring and evaluation to be carried out in the identified pilot provinces. These efforts are expected to support the effective implementation of the policies developed at the provincial level. The work to be carried out is in line with the recommendations of the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW).
The cooperation, started with a letter of exchange ceremony, was attended by Prof. Dr. Tayyip Sabri Erdil, the Deputy Minister of Interior; and Asya Varbanova, UN Women Türkiye Country Director.
In his opening speech, Prof. Dr. Tayyip Sabri Erdil, Deputy Minister of Interior, stated the significance of steps taken to end violence against women in Türkiye by highlighting the importance of cooperation with UN Women: “We will work together with UN Women to end violence against women. As the Ministry of Interior, we take numerous steps to eliminate violence against women. In this regard, we take new and deterrent measures at the local and central levels, and with the practices, we put into effect, we perform works that will set an example in the world. Today, we gathered with UN Women thanks to a project we will implement together. I believe that this project, which will be a comprehensive, integrative and coordinated effort, will contribute to ending violence against women.”
“Our new collaboration with the Ministry of Interior will support Türkiye and the UN to achieve their common goals towards the 2030 Agenda. In this capacity, we will together work to strengthen inter-agency collaboration and coordination to end violence against women and girls. Together with the ministry and in line with Türkiye’s 4th National Action Plan on Combating Violence Against Women, we will continue working at central and local levels to reinforce the technical capacity in the field,” said Asya Varbanova, UN Women Türkiye Country Director.
Media contact:
Tayfun Yılmaz
Communications Analyst
UN Women Türkiye