SAVE YOUR FOOD website is relaunched!
24 December 2020

Ankara, Turkey - The SAVE YOUR FOOD campaign, jointly run by FAO and the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry of Turkey, has relaunched its website.
The relaunched homepage provides information about SAVE YOUR FOOD’s ongoing projects and activities as well as news, events and recent publications regarding food loss and waste.
The website also offers information on recommended actions for relevant actors along the food supply chain and good practices implemented by selected countries and the private sector to reduce food loss and waste.
You can also learn more about the SAVE YOUR FOOD campaign mascot CANO through animation videos designed to educate young food savers about the environmental impacts of food loss and waste and explain what they can do to reduce the waste in their daily lives.
For more information, please visit
Save your food!
Turkey has been actively fighting food waste and supporting other countries in this. In May FAO and Turkey launched a joint national media campaign called “Save Your Food” to raise public awareness and understanding of the issue and promote good practices to prevent and reduce food loss and waste among all actors in food supply chain.
The campaign released Turkey’s first National Strategy and Action Plan on the Prevention and Reduction of Food Loss and Waste, developed by FAO and the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry, including the reviews and recommendations of over 100 related actors. The Action Plan includes 95 concrete measures, including legal and policy, technical, education and communication measures, addressing the issue at each stage of the food value chain. Now, the establishment of the Food Loss and Waste Strategy Committee is expected to advance the Strategy’s implementation.
“Save Your Food” invited public and private partners to provide their support in addressing the actions stated in the plan. Given that one-third of the identified actions fall under the responsibilities of local authorities, FAO held a series of meetings with the Union of Municipalities of Turkey, and Ankara and Istanbul Metropolitan Municipalities to expand collaboration with this sector. Aiming to reach out to the food sector, FAO also works closely with the Federation of Food and Drink Industry Associations of Turkey. FAO continues to bring together interested partners ranging from private sector to non-governmental organizations to prevent and reduce food loss and waste.
- Central Asia, Azerbaijan, and Turkey establish joint Food Loss and Waste Strategy Committee
- SAVE YOUR FOOD campaign launches talks with metropolitan municipalities
- Food loss and waste reduction campaign of FAO and Turkey takes off
- FAO and the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry of Turkey work on the country's strategy on food loss and waste reduction
National Communications and Partnership Specialist
FAO Subregional Office for Central Asia
Ankara, Turkey